I have had the pleasure of working with Ron for about 9 years with many customers. With his guidance we were able to help so many customers I would be hard pressed to count them all. Ron is a master of his craft and knowledgeable of all aspects of credit repair, credit strengthening and sound credit management. His expertise is so vast you need Ron to coach your customers with all aspects of credit. We did a radio show on WFNZ where Ron was our longest guest speaker on our radio show! Everyone loved asking him questions and he is an awesome trainer and coach. You need Ron!”
— Jeff Furr, HomeMortgage Consultant
I have said it and known it for years that the bureaus are crooks and the industry is a seriously flawed sham at the expense of the american people. I feel very fortunate I was able to procure the services of all of you at HOPE 4 USA. You all have done an oustanding job at making the very much needed corrections to my report. Your organization is a tremendous blessing. Thank you.!
— Don S.


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