Debt Collectors Do NOT Have the Right to Harass or Threaten You!

Don't let your creditors take advantage of you. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a law designed to protect you against unruly creditors and collection companies. YOU have a ton of rights under this act which will help stop harassing creditors and debt collectors in their tracks. Here are just a few of the things which debt collectors are not allowed to do:

  • They are not allowed to tell others details about the consumer, including that they owe a debt.
  • They cannot communicate with anyone other than the consumer more than once.
  • They cannot communicate through post cards nor can they have ANY markings on the outside of their envelope indicating they might be a debt collector.
  • They cannot use the fact that they are a debt collector to bully you into paying.
  • They cannot identify themselves as a debt collector to your employer.
  • They cannot send things in the mail to identity they are a debt collector with the intent of embarrassing or causing other hardship to you.
  • They cannot call you before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m.

Debt collectors are also required to immediately cease and desist contact with you if you are represented by an attorney, or if you notify them to do so in writing, or if you notify them that you refuse to pay the debt. Any violations of the FDCPA can be costly to the debt collector, especially in the civil and class action aspects. And, these are only a few of the aspects of how this law protects you.

Contact us today at 704.499.9696 to learn how you can have the exceptional credit you deserve or click here if you would like to schedule a personal credit analysis with a HOPE Credit Expert.
